Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Home Visits....aka...I am loved!

Today I accompanied my Mom on a home visit for Carolina Great Pyrenees Rescue. We went to a nice home in beautiful Flat Rock to see if this home would be suitable for a rescued Great Pyrenees to live there. As a side note...it was indeed, an excellent home, and I approved of the fellow..although, I have not met his wife yet. I would probably like her as well....

I tagged along because this gentleman's wife is a therapist and she works with children. She was thinking if they adopted a Great Pyrenees ( like me!) that perhaps she could use him or her in her practice as a Therapy Dog. They were both a little concerned about just how gentle ( or NOT) a big dog lika a Great Pyrenees could be...and I showed this fellow just how kind and gentle and mellow, we can be.

He was so impressed that he asked if I was up for adoption!!!!!!!!

WHOA! That made me pay attention!

I was really curious to see what my Mom would say..this was scary...my whole home and lifestyle were on the line here!

So the answer: ( drum roll!) She said NO...I was not up for adoption!!! She did, of course, have to add the comment that while I was NOT PERFECT all the time, that I was hers and would remain with her. She did mention my counter surfing ( OOPS!) but I did breathe a sigh of relief when she said I would not be adopted out.....that I had a home.....Yippee!

I knew I would be going home to MY HOME and that hopefully, this gentleman would be a kind and gentle owner of another lucky Great Pyrenees that has been rescued and needs a home.

It was a pyr-fect way to spend the day.


1 comment:

Deanna said...

Hey, I get to go on home visits, too! Mostly they are fun, and I get lots of attention and petting, but once I went on a visit with three evil children. I love children, and of course, was an angel, but they wanted to drag me behind their Barbie Jeep among other terrors! Needless to say, I did not approve them!